July 31, 2006

B / J / G

OK, update on Ghana. I am doing an orientation somewhere (may be out of province) Aug 28-30. Then I am doing orientation in Calgary from Sept 5-7th, coming home for the evening, and then flying out to Ghana the next morning (well, really, I'm flying out to Montreal, Frankfurt, and then Accra - don't even ask me how many hours this will take) Then I have to check in to work monday morning, so I really hope my jet lag is non-existent! Anyways, the really important part of this is that I will be home from Aug 30/31 to Sept 4. This is over the long weekend I believe. So, perhaps I will have a goodbye party then, b/c all you people are gone during august! So many conflicting schedules...In other words, can you please let me know if you're around during that weekend? I was also thinking of having a get together on Aug 25.

I wanted to post more pictures, but things aren't loading properly. I've tried twice already and it's a little frustrating. So I've given up for the night. Will try again later.

Yay! Finally worked, here are some more:


Anonymous said...

I will be sure to keep the calendar open. My cousin's birthday is Aug 31st and my grandpa's birthday is Sept 1st, so I may have a family function sometime that weekend, but it'll probably be during the day anyway ... :)

Also, Aug 25th is clear right now too.

I miss you already!

Rob Taylor said...

we need to do something between the 16th and 22nd of august, after ben gets back and before paul leaves.

Rob Taylor said...

man, i just saw that you pulled "hammocks" from your list of interests. why? because you haven't used one in - oh - five years?

it's a shame.

Marta said...

lol, ok, actually, i used one on pender island, with YOU as my witness! and i would have more thoroughly enjoyed it had it not been very precariously secured by me and hanging over a pond and jagged rocks. otherwise i love hammocks, childhood memories of my family farm.

Colin Stewart said...

You also love throwing rocks and sun-dried tentacles at innocent bystanders.

Rob Taylor said...

ok, now we're having a conversation through your blog, which is more than a little sad.

and worst of all...you're moderating it!

Marta said...

Colin, I don't know if innocent is quite the right adjective to use :P

Colin Stewart said...

I need a smiley that indicates being mortally offended.

And Rob - all the cool kids are having moderated-blog conversations these days. It's, like, the rage.

Rob Taylor said...

but arent all bystanders presumed innocent until proven tentacled?

Marta said...

I love how the comments I get are rarely related to my posts. That's ok I prefer unrelated comments to no comments. But still, kind of odd.