OK, update on Ghana. I am doing an orientation somewhere (may be out of province) Aug 28-30. Then I am doing orientation in Calgary from Sept 5-7th, coming home for the evening, and then flying out to Ghana the next morning (well, really, I'm flying out to Montreal, Frankfurt, and then Accra - don't even ask me how many hours this will take) Then I have to check in to work monday morning, so I really hope my jet lag is non-existent! Anyways, the really important part of this is that I will be home from Aug 30/31 to Sept 4. This is over the long weekend I believe. So, perhaps I will have a goodbye party then, b/c all you people are gone during august! So many conflicting schedules...In other words, can you please let me know if you're around during that weekend? I was also thinking of having a get together on Aug 25.
I wanted to post more pictures, but things aren't loading properly. I've tried twice already and it's a little frustrating. So I've given up for the night. Will try again later.
Yay! Finally worked, here are some more: